3.2 Possible Barriers to change

  • Created by: AJessieW
  • Created on: 23-05-22 14:09
Lack of employee engagement
A result of inadequate or ineffective communication.
if employees aren't clear of the reasons of change, it will impact the change and the way the change can be achieved.
Key stakeholders need to be consulted by the managers.
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Lack of agreement on the need for change
lack of agreement between management and employees on the need for change, which should be removed as soon as poss.
Change can't take place without agreement
employees are key contributors to the process and they need to be in agreement with management
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Economic Implications
Like loss of jobs, lower pay or loss of bonus can create resistance.
Management need to take into account the importance of these hygiene factors.
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Stakeholder habits are often well established and difficult to change
Businesses develop their own ways of communication, adapt different leadership styles, use of IT systems, these are usually so deeply connected to the businesses shared value that they are difficult to change.
Change many take along time to be able to ac
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Stakeholder inertia
The unwillingness to do anything or try anything new, when stakeholders prefer to stick with what's always happened. This could be through a lack of a clear vision or objectives through poor leadership.
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Stakeholder fear
The fear of the unknown.
Fear of having to learn new skills dur to the introduction of new technology and new procedures.
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Existing power structures
The leadership team could be adopting a power culture, where decision are made at the top of the hierarchy because management feels that it knows best.
If not changes, it can lead to mistrust and an atmosphere of uncertainty which could lead to resistanc
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Resistance from work groups
Resistance from groups like trade unions is a result of uncertainty that change might bring to job security, pay & working conditions. The power of the trade unions to harness support cannot be underestimated.
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Failure of Previous change initiatives
This can provide indicators to employees that future change Programmes will not succeed either.
This negative expectation is likely to lead to low motivation for change among employees.
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Poor leadership
Leaders and managers must carry stakeholders along in their passionate vision for why the change must take place and paint a clear picture of how it will lead to improvements.
If the change is not communicated effectively or there is no clear objectives,
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Card 2


Lack of agreement on the need for change


lack of agreement between management and employees on the need for change, which should be removed as soon as poss.
Change can't take place without agreement
employees are key contributors to the process and they need to be in agreement with management

Card 3


Economic Implications


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Card 4


Stakeholder habits are often well established and difficult to change


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Card 5


Stakeholder inertia


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