Macbeth Exposition Quotes, Analysis and Context

  • Created by: tonisha_
  • Created on: 01-02-22 19:24
In the quote "smoked with bloody execution", what language device may be used here?
Violent imagery
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What does the violent imagery give us connotations of?
danger and death
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This may also suggest what?
the brutality
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How may this suggest brutality?
due to the setting being in Scotland
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Why is the setting in Scotland significant?
as it is a place between civilisation and savagery
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This suggests that what could happen?
extreme things
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Macbeth may also be viewed as what?
a homeric hero
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Why would he be viewed as a homeric hero?
since he is using his violence for social good and patriotism
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He may also be viewed as what?
a tragic hero
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Why may Macbeth fit the criteria of a Shakespearian tragic hero?
Since the audience view him as admirable and worthwhile
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What devices are used in the quote "carved out his passage"?
violent imagery

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In the exposition, Shakespeare explores how violence can be used as what?
a force for social good and the protection of others
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The violent imagery shows what?
the extreme nature of the violence at play
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What does "carved" reinforce?
the idea that human life is expendable and has little value
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This may show Macbeths what towards the King?
his devotion and loyalty
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This may relate to the expectation of what?
men in the 1600s
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Shakespeare uses this imagery to help exemplify what?
a Homeric Hero
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How does a Homeric hero use violence?
as a means to be socially responsible whilst achieving glory through battle
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This helps the 1600s audience to view Macbeth as how?
admirable and worthwhile
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This was a key criteria for what?
a Shakespearian tragic hero
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We can also see Shakespeare use what?
foreshadowing here
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What does the foreshadowing suggest?
that Macbeth will continue to use brutality to secure his goals and achieve power
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Hence, Shakespeare shows us that violence isnt always what?
a negative trait
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But when used in the realm of what?
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it will always lead to what?
the tragic heros downfall
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What devices are used in the quote "unseam'd him"?
violent imagery

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Here we can see Macbeth being very what?
ruthless and violent
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We also see how his victim has been what?
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This may foreshadow how he will what?
treat others with the same brutality
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This may also foreshadow his later what?
later mental state
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since we see how he destroys his enemies, through the play we see his psychological state unravel
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Macbeth may be viewed as what?
a homeric hero
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Why may Macbeth be viewed as a homeric hero?
since he is using his violence for social good and patriotism
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What else may Macbeth be viewed as?
a Shakespearian tragic hero
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since he is protecting his country and is admirable and worthwhile
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He also has a high what?
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Furthermore, this also fits the Jacobean society expectation of who?
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This is because they were exposed to many what?
classical and medieval ideas
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This resulted in mean being expected to what?
be brave and protect their country
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does the violent imagery give us connotations of?


danger and death

Card 3


This may also suggest what?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How may this suggest brutality?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why is the setting in Scotland significant?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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