Lord of the flies quick quiz

hope this helps wooo

  • Created by: Jemima
  • Created on: 17-05-12 18:41

1. Who are the first two characters you hear about in the book?

  • Ralph and Roger
  • Jack and Piggy
  • Piggy and Ralph
  • Roger and Simon
  • Roger by himself
1 of 13

Other questions in this quiz

2. Who is the head of choir?

  • Jack
  • Sam'n'Eric
  • Ralph
  • Simon
  • Piggy

3. Which statement best represents Piggy?

  • Intelligent
  • Thick
  • Beautiful
  • Thin
  • Happy

4. Which character is greedy for power?

  • Roger
  • Jack
  • Ralph
  • Piggy
  • Simon

5. It was Ralphs idea to take a vote.

  • True
  • False




Good Quiz. Restores the memory. Nice work

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