Other questions in this quiz

2. What does Simon find at the top of the mountain

  • The dead parachutist
  • The Lord of the Flies
  • Creepers
  • The Beast

3. Who sits "like an idol"

  • Simon
  • The parachutist
  • Ralph
  • Jack
  • Piggy

4. How is the tension relieved when Piggy and Ralph approach the group?

  • Piggy is accidentally burned
  • Ralph smiles at Jack
  • Jack performs a dance

5. How does Jack divert attention from the storm

  • he starts a dance
  • he blows the conch
  • he leads them to shelter




I think question 8 is open to interpretation, there isn't really just one correct answer... in my opinion :)



I agree with Rebecca, there isn't a definite answer.

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