Long or short sighted

why are long sighted people unable to focus or near objects?
lens is the wrong shape and doesnt bend enough or the eyeball is too short
1 of 10
where does the image focus?
behind the retina
2 of 10
what glasses can correct this?
3 of 10
why are short sighted people unable to focus on distant objects?
lens is the wrong shape and bends light too much or the eyeball is too long.
4 of 10
where are the distant images focused?
in front of the retina
5 of 10
what glasses will correct this?
6 of 10
What does binocular vision do?
compares images seen by each eye
7 of 10
if there is more simularites between the images is it distant or near?
8 of 10
an advantage of binocular vision?
judge distances well
9 of 10
a disadvantage of binocular vision?
narrow field of vision
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


where does the image focus?


behind the retina

Card 3


what glasses can correct this?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


why are short sighted people unable to focus on distant objects?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


where are the distant images focused?


Preview of the front of card 5
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