
Who was in charge of Germany in 1918?
The Weimar Republic
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How long was the reign?
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Why were they unpopular?
Because they signed the Treaty of Versailles
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Why did the Germans hate the Treaty?
Because it marked German failure and it was a sign of defeat
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What was some key events?
Hyperinflation, introduction of Stresemann as chancellor and DYLLK?
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Who was Stresemann?
The Chancellor of Germany from 1923 to 1929
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What was he known for?
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Dawes Plan
Gave Germany longer to pay reparations and gave Germany a loan
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Young Plan
Reduces total reparations and reparations per year
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Locarno Pact
Ensured peace in Europe
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League of Nations
Gave Germany a greater European status
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Kellogg Briand Pact
Said that war would not be used to resolve issues or disputes
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The years 1923 to 1929 were regarded as the Golden Years
This was because Germany was thriving both financially and internationally
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But unfortunately in 1929
Stresemann died and the Golden Years came to an abrupt halt
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At this point in time Adolf Hitler had been building up the NSDAP
He was made the leader and tried to take over Munich in the Munich Putsch
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He failed and was sent to jail
From this, he learnt that violence was not going to make him the Fuhrer
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When he got out of prison he began persuading people why he should be the Fuhrer
He started many things like the Hitler Youth, Germans Maidens League
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With this he began to slowly take control over Germany
Then the Wall Street Crash happened...
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American economy became weaker until they had to recall loans from Germany
This lead to Germany having an economic problem again
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By this point people were sick and tired of the Weimar Republic
So in 1933, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany
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This marked the end of the Weimar Republic's democratic reign
It was the beginning of a dictatorship
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He believed in a stronger more traditional Germany
He began to build up the German army again
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He nazified the whole of Germany
The youth, churches and the public all thought Hitler did a good job
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However there was opposition
Those people who opposed were Jews, Communists and some normal people
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They were sent to the concentration camps
They were treated brutally and like slaves
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He reinforced the idea of perfect women
They had to make babies, dress simple and cook for the family
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At school, girls had to learn motherly qualities like cooking and sewing
They would make babies to increase the population and increase the army
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How long was the reign?



Card 3


Why were they unpopular?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why did the Germans hate the Treaty?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was some key events?


Preview of the front of card 5
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