localisation of the function in the brain

what does localisation of function mean
the theory that different areas of the Brain are responsible for specific behaviours, processes or activities
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the main part of the brain is divided into what
2 hemispheres
left and right
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what are the four lobes of the brain called
frontal lobe
parietal lobe
occipital lobe
temporal lobe
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what is at the back of the frontal lobe
(both hemispheres)
the motor area
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what does the motor area control
voluntary movement in the opposite side of the body
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what is at the front of the parietal lobe
(both hemispheres)
somatosensory area
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what is represented somatosensory area
it is where sensory information from the skin is represented
receptors for our face and hands occupy over half the somatosensory area
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what is in the back of the occipital lobe
visual area
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what does the visual area do
receives and processes visual information
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what's located in the temporal lobe
the auditory area
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what does the auditory area do
analyses speech-based information
damage to this area may produce partial hearing loss
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what hemisphere is language restricted to
the left hemisphere
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where is Broca's area and what does it do
left frontal lobe
responsible for speech production
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what happens when there is damage to Broca's area
Broca's aphasia which is charectised by speech that slow and lacking in fluency + have difficulty with conjunctions
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where is Wernicke's area and what does it do
left temporal lobe
responsible for for language understanding
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what happens when there is damage to Wernicke's area
Wernicke's aphasia
no problem producing language but will often produce nonsense words
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what is the support from neurosurgery
Doughtery et al
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what did they find
44% of people with a cingultomy had a 30% reduction in OCD symptoms
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what does this suggest
OCD is associated with the cingulate gyrus
behaviours associated with mental disorders may be localised
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support from what case study
Phineas Cage
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what happened to Phineas Cage
damage to frontal lobe
pole through face
he was able to retain functioning and only experienced changes to his personality
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limitation of case studies
cannot generalise from individual cases
may lack validity
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who found counter evidence from animal studies
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what did Lashley do and find
removed 10-50% of cortex in rats who were learning a maze
less brain =worse at doing maze
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what do Lashely's findings suggest
cognitive processes like learning is not localised but distributed more holistically
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what is a further limitation of localisation theory
language is too comply to be localised
researches now believe language is not only in Wernecke's and Broca's area
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


the main part of the brain is divided into what


2 hemispheres
left and right

Card 3


what are the four lobes of the brain called


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is at the back of the frontal lobe
(both hemispheres)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what does the motor area control


Preview of the front of card 5
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