Living the Christian Life

  • Created by: Laurajhh
  • Created on: 11-11-17 10:05
What is Worship
The act of supporting and praising a thing or person they believe in
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Why do Christians worship?
To feel closer to God
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What is litergical worship?
A form of public worship by Roman Catholics and some Anglicans
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How does liturgical worship work?
It is the same thing every week focusing on praising through the bible, readings, prayer and music. It is based on sacraments and timetabled through the liturgical calender
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What does liturgical worship reenact?
Jesus' life
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What is the difference between non liturgical and liturgical worship?
Non-liturgical worship is different every time and performed by pentecostal Christians. Can be speaking in tongues or laying on of hands. Important as it represents Jesus' life as well
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Name the 2 Catholic sacraments that Protestants see as sacraments as well.
Communion, Baptism
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What is Baptism a sign of?
Getting Clean, Moving from death to life, Welcoming to the church
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Outline Eucharist
Communion symbolising a new covenant given by God
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Name 4 parts of prayer
Adoration, Confession, Petition, Intercession
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Why is the Lord's Prayer important?
sets guidelines for prayer, unites Christians, sets guidelines for Christians
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Catholics have a prayer that gets people out of purgatory. What is it called?
Hail Mary
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What is pilgrimage?
a spiritual journey, has religious experiences, experience christian community, involves worship, allows christians to understand their faith.
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3 facts about Taizé
has no plans just a way of life, communal prayer, increases faith and confidence
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4 places in Holy Land
Garden of Gethsemane, Church of Holy Sepulchre, Via Dolarosa, Church of Ascension
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2 facts about Walsingham
in Norfolk, supposed to be a copy of Mary's house
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What happens at Lourdes
Christians go to be healed by the water and to se Bernadettes visions.
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What do advent and Christmas celebrate
preparation for christ, the birth of Jesus
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Types of Evangelism
Pentecostalism - relationship with God and Spirit, Evangelism -preaching Gospel, Mission - spreading message, Alpha - course run to find out more about faith
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What are missionary and conversion?
a person who preaches and invites people to CONVERT to the faith, changing to the faith
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What does Paul teach in 1Corinthians 15:12-34?
There is no faith if Jesus wasn't resurrected
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In the Local Church which bible passage is Peter saying that the church should serve and support members without gaining anything?
1 Peter 5:1-4
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Why are differing opinions on whether certain people should be ordained bad for ecumenism?
It introduces conflict
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Who is the leading body of Ecumenism
The World Council of Churches
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what is a responsibility of the worldwide church?
provide safe places for worship
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what issues could the church influence?
homosexuality, abortion and politics
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What is persecution?
ill treatment of individuals or groups
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What is the global persecution of christians called
persecuted church
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Who was Desmond Tutu
a peace campaigner who campaigned against the apartide
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why do Christians worship?


To feel closer to God

Card 3


What is litergical worship?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How does liturgical worship work?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does liturgical worship reenact?


Preview of the front of card 5
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