Life in Modern Britain

  • Created by: rogypops
  • Created on: 01-12-20 10:00
Government survey which is normally done every 10 years to gather information about life in the UK. Every household is expected to fill in the form.
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Group identity
Identity associated with belonging to a group. Eg, a football club.
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Global identity
Concept that some aspects of identity are global in nature.
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Characteristics that determine who or what a person is, the things that make them who they are.
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Multiple Identity
That a person can have different identities at different times, in different situations. They could clash.
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National Identity
An identity associated with being a citizen of a specific country.
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Nature vs. Nurture
A debate whether a person's personality and identity is most affected by their biological background or the way they are brought up.
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All types of media related to the internet.
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Mass Media
Communicating to a large amount of people eg, television, newspapers, internet.
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Member of Parliament
Citizen elected to parliament, serves as an MP as a member of a political party.
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New Media
All non-traditional forms of media, eg internet
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Office of Communications, a government regulator for parts of the media industry.
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Social Media
The way people interact with each other on the internet eg, Twitter, Facebook
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Traditional Media
Newspaper, radio, television, cinema
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The Independent Press Standards Organisation. Set up to handle complaints and conduct investigations into standards and compliance.
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Organisations and bodies that are part of a major institution. Eg, UN, EU
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Closed Regional List System
A proportional voting system used in the UK for European Parliamentary elections.
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Commonwealth Charter
A document that lays down the principles of Commonwealth membership.
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Council of Europe
Founded in 1949, an intergovernmental organisation. They aim to promote human rights, democracy, and rule of law, within 47 member states. They established European Convention of Human Rights.
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Council of European Union
Meetings of ministers from member states of the EU.
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Common currency used by the Eurozone (eighteen members of the EU)
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European Commision
Appointed officials from member countries of the EU who draft policy initiatives and direct the workings of the EU.
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European Convention on Human Rights
A convention that lays down basic human rights. It is based upon the UNDHR, and is overseen by the Council of Europe.
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European Council
Meetings of the heads of government of EU member states.
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European Court of Human Rights
Court of the Council of Europe that sits in Strasbourg and rules on the European Convention on Human Rights.
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European Parliament
The directly elected Parliament of the European Union.
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Gross Domestic Product. The value of all the goods and services created in a country, normally measured each year.
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Hard Power
Ability to use military or economic power to achieve aims.
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Member of European Parliament. An elected citizen to the Parliament of the European Union, normally representing a political party.
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Security Council
The major decision-making body of the United Nations. Made up of 5 permanent members and 10 elected member countries. The UK is a permanent member.
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Single Transferable Vote
A proportional voting system used in Northern Ireland to elect their MEP('s).
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Soft power
Ability to influence others through the influence of your culture, political and foreign policy values.
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United Nations Charter
A document which shows the aims of the United Nations (UN)
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
An international law setting out a set of human rights under the help and support of the UN.
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Ability to vote down any decision.
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Giving your time without pay to help others.
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A vote on a single issue where governments or other bodies wish to seek the views of electors on an issue. Eg, 2016 Brexit referendum.
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Refusing to buy goods or use a service to achieve a political outcome they want.
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Relates to areas of policy delegated by countries to the EU.
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A person or view that supports more EU integration leading to a United States of Europe.
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Humanitarian aid
Non-military aid given to countries and people in need. Eg, food, shelter, medical help.
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A process of involving outsiders in a dialogue to try and settle arguments between two parties.
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Measures taken by the state against others to achieve a change in policy or action.
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The power and authority that a country has to make decisions about itself and its relations with others.
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Gross National Income. It is the GDP minus income earned by non-residents, and plus income received by non-residents.
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Non-governmental organisation. It can be national or international. They are mainly charities providing services to those in need, similar to ones provided by government. Many work with government agencies and can receive funds from the government.
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Citizens who are elected to serve on a local council.
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Voter Turnout
The number of voters who actually vote, against the number who could have voted. Normally shown as a percentage/ %
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Police and Crime Commissioners
Directly elected officials who are responsible for the running of each regional police force outside London.
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Pressure Groups
Organised bodies of citizens who share a common interest in an issue and through a variety of actions, promote their cause.
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Trade Unions
Groups of people with similar jobs/professions who try to protect and further their rights, interests and conditions of employment like wages. Eg, National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers who represent those who work on the London Undergroun
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Identity associated with belonging to a group. Eg, a football club.


Group identity

Card 3


Concept that some aspects of identity are global in nature.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Characteristics that determine who or what a person is, the things that make them who they are.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


That a person can have different identities at different times, in different situations. They could clash.


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