Life and Death - Is life after Death Possible?

The Dualist approach says that humans are made up of two parts a body and soul/mind.
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The Monist approach suggests the soul cannot be separated from the body - Humans are a unity and it is a unity that survives death (if at all).
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What are most monists?
Materialists. Who state only physical existence is possible and so if a person lives on after death it has to be in a physical form such as resurrection.
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What is Immortality of the soul?
There is a non-physical element of human existence which will survive the bodily death.
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What does immortality of the soul depend on?
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Which philosophers suggested dualism?
Plato (in his theories about the soul) and Descartes (in his theories about the mind).
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What is a theory that relies on the existence of an immortal soul?
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What is reincarnation?
The belief that the soul of a person is reincarnated after death into a new body.
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Does reincarnation belong to any religion?
No and many believe in an immortal soul without being religious.
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What can be considered evidence of reincarnation?
Evidence may include mediums, parapsychology and NDEs.
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Who rejects reincarnation?
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What does reincarnation literally mean?
To take on flesh again.
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What religions belief in reincarnation?
Sikhs and Hindus.
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What does reincarnation depend upon?
Belief in an immortal and eternal soul (atman) that passes from existence to existence depending upon the kind of life lived.
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What do Hindus use reincarnation for?
To explain the presence of physical, social, financial and other inequality amongst humans.
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What do Hindus believe is the goal of life?
To escape the cycle of reincarnation (samsara) and achieve unity (moksha) with Brahman, the ultimate reality.
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What do Buddhists believe?
They believe in rebirth.
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What is rebirth?
Rebirth rejects the idea of an eternal soul but speaks of a consciousness that is generated by experiences and the life stream.
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What happens to the 'consciousness' upon death?
Consciousness has become attached to life and raves to continue and so attaches itself to another body.
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How to you escape from Rebirth?
When you attain nirvana or enlightenment - through meditation and following the dharma
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What happens when nirvana is reached?
The person overcomes the cravings that propel the consciousness on so it dissolves back into the life stream that is present in all things.
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What must Buddhists come to terms with?
The idea that the self or personality is an illusion.
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What religions belief in Resurrection?
Christians, Muslims and Jews
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What is Resurrection?
The idea that God will raise the dead back to life at the end of days (eschaton) and judge them.
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What will happen to people on Resurrection?
The righteous will form an eternal Kingdom of God from which sinners will be excluded.
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Is Resurrection monist or dualist?
Normally a monist view (Resurrection of body and soul) but some people take a dualist approach (Resurrection of the soul)
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Card 2


The Monist approach suggests the soul cannot be separated from the body - Humans are a unity and it is a unity that survives death (if at all).



Card 3


Materialists. Who state only physical existence is possible and so if a person lives on after death it has to be in a physical form such as resurrection.


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Card 4


There is a non-physical element of human existence which will survive the bodily death.


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Card 5




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