Liberals and democracy

A2 Government and Politics quiz on the liberal attitude towards democracy

  • Created by: Jessica
  • Created on: 04-06-12 12:03

1. What is the dominant political force in the developed world?

  • Conservatism
  • Socialism
  • Liberalism
  • Anarchism
  • A mix of the above
1 of 7

Other questions in this quiz

2. What are two features of liberal democracy?

  • complete freedom from government and free elections
  • competitive elections but votes only for some
  • constitutional government and universal suffrage
  • government dominance and everybody having a vote

3. In liberal democracy, political pluralism means electoral choice and competition between parties

  • True
  • False

4. Why are liberals ambivalent towards democracy?

  • They only believe certain people should get the vote
  • They promote individualism and democracy treats people as a single entity
  • They want a system where government rules completely over the people
  • They believe it is a good idea in theory, but would not work in practice

5. What percentage of people is democracy seen to represent by liberals?

  • 51%
  • 25%
  • 99%
  • 50%
  • 0%


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