Liberal Reforms

When were free school meals introduced?
1 of 13
What was a disadvantage of this reform?
It was not made compulsory until 1914
2 of 13
When were School Medical Inspections introduced?
3 of 13
What was a disadvantage of this?
Parents still had to pay for any medicine needed for treatment.
4 of 13
When was the Childrens and Young Person Act introduced?
5 of 13
What did this act do?
This imposed severe punishments for neglecting or treating children cruelly. It was made illegal to sell cigarettes to children or send them out begging. Separate juvenile courts were set up, which sent children convicted of a crime to borstals.
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When were old age pensions introduced?
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What were the features of this reform?
It was introduced for the over 70s, which gave them 5s a week, or 7s 6d to a married couple.
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When were labour exchanged set up?
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When was the National Insurance Act introduced?
10 of 13
What did Part 1 of the Act do?
Part 1 of the act gave people the right to free medical treatment, and sick pay of 10s a week for 26 weeks in return for a payment of 4d a week.
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When was Part 2 of the National Insurance Act introduced?
12 of 13
What did this do?
Part 2 of the Act gave people the right to unemployment pay (dole) of 7s 6d a week for 15 weeks in return for a payment of 2½d a week.
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Card 2


What was a disadvantage of this reform?


It was not made compulsory until 1914

Card 3


When were School Medical Inspections introduced?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was a disadvantage of this?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When was the Childrens and Young Person Act introduced?


Preview of the front of card 5
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