Levels Of Organisation


1. What is the difference between cuboidal and columnar epithelium?

  • The effectiveness of the same job.
  • What organelles the cells contain.
  • The shape and where they are found.
  • The function the epithelium carriers out.
1 of 5

Other questions in this quiz

2. What is skeletal muscle?

  • A tissue which serves no other purpose than protection.
  • A tissue which covers bones for protection.
  • A tissue attached to bones to generate locomotion in mammals.
  • A tissue covering bone and used to strengthen bones.

3. What is a tissue?

  • A group of similar cells working together to perform a single task.
  • A group of cells, working at the same time but doing different jobs.
  • A cell working to perform a unique task.
  • Multiple cells doing anything but located in the same area.

4. What does Epithelial tissue do?

  • Similar to muscle with the ability to contract, but used mainly for protection.
  • Covers only the inside of organs as protection.
  • From a continuous layer covering organs (internal and external) - often as a protective substance (like that of the stomach lining).
  • Covers only the outside the organs as protection.

5. What are the three types of muscle tissues?

  • Smooth, Epithelial & Intestine Muscle
  • Skeletal, Epithelial, & Nerve Muscle
  • Skeletal, Smooth & Cardiac Muscle
  • Smooth, Cardiac & Nerve Muscle


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