Language terminology

a comparison to show how two things are similar which makes it easier to understand or memorable e.g 'watching cricket is about as exciting as watching paint dry'
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colloquial language determiner
informal language that sounds like ordinary speech.
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a word that goes before a noun to show possession or quantity e.g. 'his', 'two'
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direct address
when a writer talks straight to a reader e.g.'you might recall'
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emotive language
words or phrases that create an emotional response in the reader e.g. 'guilt'
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words that allow the reader to imagine or understand someone else's feelings or experiences
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figurative language
language that is used in a non - literal way to create an affect e.g personification
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fronted adverbial
phrases that appear at the beginning of a sentence that explain how, when, where or why something happened
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when exaggeration is used to have an effect on the reader
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a type of figurative language that creates a picture in your mind e.g similes and metaphors
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imperative verb
a verb that gives orders or directions e.g ' run away' , 'stop that'
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a word that is used alongside an adjective to provide emphasis e.g. 'very friendly'
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a way of describing something by saying it is someone else.
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modal verb
verbs that suggest degrees of possibility e.g. 'you will do this', 'you could do this'
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a recurring image or idea in a text.
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a word that imitates the sound it describes
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describing a non - living thing as if it is a person
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possesive determiner
a determiner such as 'your' or 'my' that tells you who something belongs to.
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a way of describing something by comparing it to something else usually with the words 'like' or 'as'
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


informal language that sounds like ordinary speech.


colloquial language determiner

Card 3


a word that goes before a noun to show possession or quantity e.g. 'his', 'two'


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


when a writer talks straight to a reader e.g.'you might recall'


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


words or phrases that create an emotional response in the reader e.g. 'guilt'


Preview of the back of card 5
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