Language and Age

Gary Ives
Asked 17-year-olds in a West Yorkshire secondary school if people speak differently because of their age. 100% of 63 students said yes.
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What did Gary Ives find about teen speak?
Most common theme was relationships - language is usually focussed on topics/themes important to people at their age. Most common words in teenagers' lexicon were taboo and dialect (specific regional words)
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Gary Ives - teen speak and slang
Used because it's specific to their age and is not understood by the older generation. It is almost a 'secret language', and it is a conscious choice to use different language to distinguish between generations.
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Penelope Eckert (2003)
Said slang is used by teenagers to establish a connection to youth culture and to signal coolness, toughness and attitude, setting themselves apart from the older generation
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Anna-Brita Stenstrom
Features of teenspeak are irregular turn taking, overlaps, indistinct articulation, word shortenings, teasing and name calling, verbal duelling, slang, taboo and language mixing
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Penelope Eckert
Suggests typical teenspeak features include fillers, rising intonation and multiple negation
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Ignacio Palacios Martinez (2011)
Focussed on the use of negatives - found teens use negatives more frequently than adults, teenagers are more direct in their speech and typical negative words and phrases used by teens are informal
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Unni Berland (1997)
Focussed on tags - found social class is an important factor and that gender has an impact
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Stenstrom, Anderson and Hasund (2002)
Focussed on non-standard grammatical features in 14-16-year-olds in London - found common features were multiple negation, use of "ain't", ellipsis of auxiliary verbs and non-standard pronouns such as "theirselves"
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Penelope Eckert
Said teens aren't all the same - differences between teenage social groups are bigger than in any other age group
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Reasons behind Eckert's finding of huge differences between teenage social groups' language use
People mature at different ages, perceptions of 'coolness', distinguishing from people they don't like and differences in interests
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Don Zimmerman (2009)
Influential factors are the media and press, street art and graffiti, music and new means of communication
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Vivian de Klerk (2005)
Young people challenge linguistic norms, seek to establish new identities, establish themselves as different by distinguishing themselves as part of a distinct social group
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What did the Daily Mail article 'The Teens Who Can Barely Speak' suggest?
Teens are becoming unemployable, language consists of many made-up words, it is the effect of TV & spending more time with communications, teens only have an 800-word vocabulary and 3% of infants develop 'significant' problems with talking.
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What are the three dimensions of teen text speak?
Spoken language features in writing, growing trend in teenagers using informal technology-based written features and speaking using written forms (text-messaging features) in their speech
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Jean Gross
Says teenagers are spending more time communicating through electronic media and texting which makes their speech short and brief
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Tony McEnery
Found the top 20 words used by teenagers included "yeah", "no" and "but" which account for around 1/3 of all words used
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John Bald
Says teenagers know thousands of words but it is a conscious choice to ***** away excess verbiage
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Penelope Eckert's definitions of age
Chronological (since birth), biological (physical maturity) and social (life events)
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Jenny Cheshire (1987)
Adults develop language in response to life events
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Douglas Bigham (2012)
Important life events are more likely to occur post-18 and chronological age may still be a factor for young people
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How does age affect language?
Social and biological experiences in a person's life.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Most common theme was relationships - language is usually focussed on topics/themes important to people at their age. Most common words in teenagers' lexicon were taboo and dialect (specific regional words)


What did Gary Ives find about teen speak?

Card 3


Used because it's specific to their age and is not understood by the older generation. It is almost a 'secret language', and it is a conscious choice to use different language to distinguish between generations.


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Card 4


Said slang is used by teenagers to establish a connection to youth culture and to signal coolness, toughness and attitude, setting themselves apart from the older generation


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Card 5


Features of teenspeak are irregular turn taking, overlaps, indistinct articulation, word shortenings, teasing and name calling, verbal duelling, slang, taboo and language mixing


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