Langauge and Gender Theorists

Just a quick quiz to keep you up to speed with the theorists in language and gender and what they said.


1. Who said that Women's language lacks real authority compared to men's?

  • Zimmerman and West
  • Deborah Tannen
  • Lakoff
  • Coates
1 of 5

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2. Men are less concerned about saving face.

  • True
  • False

3. Who said this?

  • Pilkington, 1992
  • Kuiper, 1991
  • Holmes, 1992

4. Who concluded that 96% of all interruptions are made by men?

  • Coates, 1989
  • Zimmerman and West, 1975
  • Keith and Shuttleworth, 200
  • Holmes, 1988

5. Which one of the following best describes the Deficit approach?

  • Women are more deficient than men.
  • Focuses on the way men are controlling and dominating in mixed-sex conversations.
  • Women's language is seen as inadequate compared to the 'male norm'.
  • Variation in male and female language can be linked to them belonging to different subcultures.


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