
  • Created by: 10dhall
  • Created on: 21-05-19 21:17
Limitations of FMRI?
activation not sufficient- change must be told as brain is always active- subtraction methodology. HRF response takes between 10-20 seconds.
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Corbett- 2000
attending to a central endogenous cue showed activation in FPC. shows active brain processes showing active top-down processing of stimuli.
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Wojcuilik and Kanwisher - 1999
3 tasks: spatial selection, object/space based+ feature conjunction. all have different difficulties- showed a common activation suggesting top-down involved in all diff. also found increase in PC with difficulty. easy visual showed more PC than
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hard language task so PC not based on attention - parietal cortex
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What brain region is involved in top-down?
Dorsal fronto-parietal
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Bottom up?
Ventral fronto-parietal
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describe functional localisers?
Limit research to a ROI - localise area using MRI then analyse function using BOLD.
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Kastner - 1999 - ROI and visual cortex - key
given periods of stimuli followed by periods of expectancy- found increase in area v4 when expecting- indicating position before appeared. shows top down processing before stimuli.
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What is global and local?
global- entire object, local- part within global
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Mevorach - 2009 - key
evaluated salience in response to local and global letters. extract local or spot global. Left IPS is active when salience needs to be suppressed. LIPS- responsible for salience suppression-
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Mevorach - 2010-
Applied TMS over right+left IPS. Right TMS- disrupted salience recognition. Left TMS- disrupted suppression of salience - suggests PPC is lateralised- need balance within IPS.
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Card 2


Corbett- 2000


attending to a central endogenous cue showed activation in FPC. shows active brain processes showing active top-down processing of stimuli.

Card 3


Wojcuilik and Kanwisher - 1999


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Card 4




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Card 5


What brain region is involved in top-down?


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