KW Ontological Argument

A proposition or statement that it is incoherent to doubt. It is true by definition.
1 of 14
A proposition or statement, the truth or falsity of which has to be verified.
2 of 14
A quality or property of an object or subject. E.g. the concept of a triangle has the predicates of 3 sides and 3 internal angles adding up to 180 degrees.
3 of 14
Something which has to be that way and cannot be different, whatever the circumstances.
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Something which is not necessary, which depends on something else for its existence.
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A philosophical argument which fails because it is illogical.
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Reductio ad absurdum
It would be absurd to deny an idea. Therefore, it helps to argue a point and is central to Anselm's argument.
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Credo ut intelligam
Anselm's motto- 'I believe that I may understand'.
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Syllogistic logic
A form of logic where conclusions are inferred from premises.
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Ontological argument
An argument that seeks to prove that God exists using a priori reasoning.
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This type of reasoning proceeds from general statements (premises) to reach a logically certain conclusions.
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Logically necessary
A statement that consists of a set of premises and a conclusion that cannot be disputed.
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A statement which is true by definition.
13 of 14
A conclusion is drawn from what you observe.
14 of 14

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Card 2


A proposition or statement, the truth or falsity of which has to be verified.



Card 3


A quality or property of an object or subject. E.g. the concept of a triangle has the predicates of 3 sides and 3 internal angles adding up to 180 degrees.


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Card 4


Something which has to be that way and cannot be different, whatever the circumstances.


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Card 5


Something which is not necessary, which depends on something else for its existence.


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