Kornilov Affair

When was the Kornilov affair?
August 1917
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Why was Russia in chaos by August 1917?
Peasants seizing land, industrial production falling, soldiers deserting, German and Austro- Hungarian armies advancing- Germans captured Riga = major military defeat
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What did people believe Kornilov was trying to do in August 1917 and what was he actually doing?
Planning a coup d'etat against the Provisional Government to try and replace it with a more authoritarian regime- false = Kornilov was loyal concernced about a possible left wing plot
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What made the PM Kerensky begin to panic on 24th August 1917?
Kornilov ordered Russian troops into Petrograd- instead of seeing this a military support Kerensky feared a military takeover
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What was Kerensky's reaction to the threat of military takeover?
Ordered the arrest of Kornilov and armed groups of workers (many Bolsheviks), many Bolsheviks also released from Prison for same reasons
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What affect did the Kornilov Affair have on the Provisional Government?
Looked weak = support fell and support for All- Russian Soviet increased. Made the Bolsheviks look strong= defenders of Petrograd = numbers increased hugely
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Card 2


Why was Russia in chaos by August 1917?


Peasants seizing land, industrial production falling, soldiers deserting, German and Austro- Hungarian armies advancing- Germans captured Riga = major military defeat

Card 3


What did people believe Kornilov was trying to do in August 1917 and what was he actually doing?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What made the PM Kerensky begin to panic on 24th August 1917?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was Kerensky's reaction to the threat of military takeover?


Preview of the front of card 5
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This is incorrect Kornilov was plotting with the pretrograd to overthrow Kerensky

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