Kolberg thresh of gender develpoment

  • Created by: Alana
  • Created on: 19-05-16 10:19

1. What is the counter argument to kolberg?

  • Bem- children have a gender awareness before the age of two, suggesting the theory isn't universal due to schemas
  • Holmes - children learn gender through biological influences
  • Money - every child develops gender differently due to environment and socialisation
1 of 14

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2. Who carried out a cross cultural study?

  • Frey
  • Munro
  • Kolberg

3. Why is it reductionist?

  • Simplifies explanation, numerous other factors
  • Assumes everyone develops that way
  • Ignores every other factor that may effect gender

4. What did the cross cultural study show?

  • That no one goes through the stages that kolberg described
  • It supports the stages of the theory, making it universal and maybe an innate process
  • It doesn't support the stages of the theory making it not universal suggesting it's due to socialisation

5. Gender stability is?

  • 6-7 onwards, realise gender is permanent, despite changing appearance they stay the same gender
  • 3-5 years old, realise gender is consistent overtime
  • 1-3 years old, recoginise either male or female using experience


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