Key Sociologists for the Media Unit Quiz

Match the sociologist to their quotation/perspective on the mass media


1. Butsch

  • there is overt and inferential racism in the media
  • the working class are under represented and the upper class are over represented
  • the inner-city riots in the 1980s were made to have a racial element to divert attention from the economic issues
1 of 17

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2. Van Dijk

  • the working class are under represented and the upper class are over represented
  • the inner-city riots in the 1980s were made to have a racial element to divert attention from the economic issues
  • women and men have similar skills and abilities in films

3. Abercrombie

  • women and men have similar skills and abilities in films
  • there has been a significant increase in the proportion of main female characters
  • moral panics, especially the Mods and Rockers

4. Willams

  • fewer large companies increasingly own what we hear, see and read
  • the mass media has been liberated from the media barons
  • media is the new 'opium of the people'

5. Katz and Lazarfeld

  • created the two-step flow model
  • disabled people are presented as sinister, pitiable, pathetic, comedic, sexually abnormal and in need of a miracle cure


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