Key Termiology

Define Atonomous/Autonomy/Free Will
Self-rule or self-government. The term is made up of 'autos' meaning 'self' and 'nomos' menaing 'rule'. Many philosophers such as Kant, hold that you can only be responsible for actions that you undertake of your own will.
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Define Determinism
The belief that choices are influenced by factors other than the will of the individual. (In other words, events/ actions are predetermined by other events, therefore freedom of choice is an illusion.
2 of 8
Define Hard Determinism
The belief that people do not have free will to act in moral situations and that all moral actions have uncontrollable prior causes. Humans therefore cannot be morally blameworthy for their actions because their actions are determined.
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Define Soft Determinism
The belief that some actions are determined but we still have moral resposibility.
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Define Libertarianism
The belief that humans are free to make moral choices and are therefore morally responsible.
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Define Liberty
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Define Moral responsibility
Our blameworthiness or praiseworthiness for actions.
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Define Predestination
The belief that God has decided who will and will not enter heaven.
8 of 8

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Card 2


The belief that choices are influenced by factors other than the will of the individual. (In other words, events/ actions are predetermined by other events, therefore freedom of choice is an illusion.


Define Determinism

Card 3


The belief that people do not have free will to act in moral situations and that all moral actions have uncontrollable prior causes. Humans therefore cannot be morally blameworthy for their actions because their actions are determined.


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Card 4


The belief that some actions are determined but we still have moral resposibility.


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Card 5


The belief that humans are free to make moral choices and are therefore morally responsible.


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