Issues and Debates

What is free will?
The notion that humans can make choices and are not determined by external forces.
1 of 13
What is determinism?
The view that an individual's behaviour is controlled by internal factors or external forces out of their control.
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What are the 5 types of determinism?
Soft, hard, biological, environmental, psychic.
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What is hard determinism?
Free will is not possible as behaviour is always caused by factors out of our control.
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What is soft determinism?
All events, such as behaviour have causes but can also be due to our conscious choices in the absence of coercion.
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What is biological determinism?
Behaviour is caused by biological influences we cannot control.
(genes, hormones)
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What is environmental determinism?
Behaviour is caused by features of the environment we cannot control.
(reward/punishment, stimulus-response learning)
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What is psychic determinism?
Behaviour is caused by unconscious conflicts we cannot control.
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What is the scientific emphasis on causal explanations?
Highly controlled experiments in a lab environment allow for all the conditions of human behaviour to be tested and the extraneous variables removed.
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What is the idiographic approach?
Where the focus is on the individual as a means of understanding behaviour rather than attempting to apply it to general laws and principles.
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What are examples of the idiographic approach?
Qualitative data, case studies, unstructured interviews and other forms of self-report methods.
The humanistic approach and partially the psychodynamic approach.
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What is the nomothetic approach?
Where behaviour is applied to general laws and principles in an attempt to explain it.
12 of 13
What are examples of the nomothetic approach?
The behaviourist, biological, cognitive and partially psychodynamic approaches.
Quantitative data, structured interviews.
13 of 13

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Card 2


What is determinism?


The view that an individual's behaviour is controlled by internal factors or external forces out of their control.

Card 3


What are the 5 types of determinism?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is hard determinism?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is soft determinism?


Preview of the front of card 5
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