
What does Islam mean
1 of 19
What are the 5 pillars of Islam
Hajj , Shahada, Salah, Zukat, Suwm
2 of 19
What do the 5 pillars stand for
Pilgrimage, statement to faith , prayer, charity, fasting
3 of 19
Is Islam the second largest religion after Christianity ?
4 of 19
Is an Imam a person who leads the prayers
5 of 19
Is an Imam chosen by the people
6 of 19
How many times a day do Muslims pray ?
7 of 19
What are the name of the two branches of Islam?
Sunni Islam , Shi'a Islam
8 of 19
Who do the Sunnis believe the successor after Muhammed should be
Abu Baker was the true successor ( elected by Muslim community)
9 of 19
Who do the Shi'as believe the successor after Muhammed should be
Ali ( relegate - son in law and cousin)
10 of 19
What are the six articles of faith is Sunni Islam
Angels , Tawhid, the prophets of God , day of judgement , the supremacy of Gods will, authority of the holy book
11 of 19
What does Tawhid mean
The oneness of God
12 of 19
What does Yawm-ad-din mean
Day of judgement
13 of 19
This is the name of the world wide community
14 of 19
------ was the seal of all prophets
15 of 19
This angel reviled the Qu'ran to the prophet
Gabriel- Jabril
16 of 19
Shi'a Muslims believe in ........
The five roots of faith
17 of 19
What does usal-ad-din mean
The five roots of faith
18 of 19
What are the five roots of faith
Belief in Tawhid ,belief in divine justice, belief in the prophets, belief in the Imams(leaders who came after Muhammed), belief in the day of judgement
19 of 19

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the 5 pillars of Islam


Hajj , Shahada, Salah, Zukat, Suwm

Card 3


What do the 5 pillars stand for


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Is Islam the second largest religion after Christianity ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Is an Imam a person who leads the prayers


Preview of the front of card 5
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