Introduction - the 39 independent states of 'Germany'

  • Created by: Alex 97
  • Created on: 26-05-20 15:23
What was the largest state in 'Germany'?
1 of 10
The name of the person who is known as the "founder of the German Empire"
Otto von Bismarck
2 of 10
What two groups of people wanted Germa people united into a one nation state- a new German Reich?
Liberals and Nationalists
3 of 10
What were the names of the two provines that the Prussian aeues took over from Denmark rule?
Schleswig and Holstein
4 of 10
What war was declared in 1866 where Prussia acheived victory in seven weeks?
5 of 10
War where Bismarck manipulated the situation, making the Prussian King look as if he was more hostile to the French than he really was. Bismarck wanted to reduce French influence over the South German state. The Ems telegram was sent in 1870
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What leadership was 'Germany' united under after 9 years and 3 wars?
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Name of the first head of state of Germany (Kaiser) who died in 1888
Wilhelm I
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Name of Wilhelm I's son who died 99 days after succeeding his father
9 of 10
Name of the Kaiser who became head of the German state in 1888 and caused a rift as he and Bismark did not have a good working relationship
Wilhelm II
10 of 10

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Card 2


The name of the person who is known as the "founder of the German Empire"


Otto von Bismarck

Card 3


What two groups of people wanted Germa people united into a one nation state- a new German Reich?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What were the names of the two provines that the Prussian aeues took over from Denmark rule?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What war was declared in 1866 where Prussia acheived victory in seven weeks?


Preview of the front of card 5
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