Interactionist Approach

  • Created by: FatCat3
  • Created on: 07-03-23 15:02
why is it important to use an interactionist approach?
it considers biological+psychological factors in development of s, and so it acknowledges a range of factors are included in the illness
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what. model does it implement to show how s works?
the diathesis stress model
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what does the diathesis stress model mean? what does diathesis and stress mean?
diathesis is the vulnerability that is predisposed to a person due to their genetics but stress involves a stress trigger which is an environmental factor that has an impact on the diathesis and makes a condition worse
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what D-SM argue?
that both diathesis and stress trigger are necessary for s to develop ie many bio factors will happen to ppl but w/o environmental factors they may not develop the disorder
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what is said about 'understanding diathesis' and who said it?
its understood that there is no single schizogene, many genes effect s (ripke et al)
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what did another psychologist argue that made it worse?
read et al says d also includes a range of factors ie psychological trauma from family at a young age, it is proposed p.t alters an infants brain and causes vulnerability, as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) becomes active, the person is more vuln
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what is understanding stress ands what is proposed about it now?
who said this?
that now it has a broader definition that has been adopted and refers to anything that risks triggering s such as cannabis as it disrupts the dopamine system (Houston et al)
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name the evaluation
+Barlow+Durand found a fam history of s pointed to a genetic link when combined w a dysfunctional fam, the risk of developing s increased, supporting D-SM (+Cannon et al found a positive correlation between birth complications -
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continuing w previous card
-and later risk of s due to damage of hormone/NT systems
-doesnt know how precicesly these risk factors contribute to the D-SM as the causes may differ between individuals (ie bio, evolution, psych, social factors)
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continuing w previous card
-original D-SM over simplistic, idea that a simple gene combined with a certain parenting style causes the s is simplistic, stress isn't limited to parenting style/family dynamics and vulnerability isn't limited to biological factors
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why is it important to use an interactionist approach to treat s?
include psychologists
Guo et al indicted combining treatments is more effective but it is difficult to state which combination is superior as it is affected but the individuals needs
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what. model does it implement to show how s works?


the diathesis stress model

Card 3


what does the diathesis stress model mean? what does diathesis and stress mean?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what D-SM argue?


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Card 5


what is said about 'understanding diathesis' and who said it?


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