Other questions in this quiz

2. What study found that history of violence was the best indicator of peer violence regardless of situational factors?

  • Pauline and Peterson
  • Jiang et al.
  • Poole and Regoli
  • Fischer

3. Who suggested the Importation model?

  • Pauline and Peterson
  • Irwin and Cressey
  • Milgram
  • Staub

4. What did Jiang et al. find?

  • Deprivation explained violence against prison guards and the importation model explained violence against other inmates
  • Best indicator of violence in young offenders was history violence before prison, regardless of situational factors
  • When space was increased, severity of violence didn't decrease
  • Lack of meaningful activity, privacy and overcrowding was linked to peer violence

5. What did McCorke et al find?

  • History of violence was the best indicator of peer violence regardless of situational factors
  • Lack of meaningful activity, privacy and overcrowding was linked to peer violence
  • Stressful situational factors cause individuals to lose their own moral rules and carry out aggressive acts as the responsibility of their actions is diffused onto their leader
  • When gang members were separated there was a 50% decrease in serious assault rate


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