Inspector Calls Eric Birling side of the story

what is Eric described as ?
"half shy , half assertive " "In his early twenties"
1 of 6
why does Eric drink hard ?
He is depressed the fact that Daisy broke up with him because she was pregnant but she couldn't marry him because his class.
2 of 6
what is the quote for when Eric drinks ********* ?
"I have gathered that he does drink hard "
3 of 6
how does Eric react to Birling firing Eva smith ?
"why shouldn't shouldn't they try for higher wage" this suggest that Birling and co gave low income to their poor workers.
4 of 6
how he feel about his broken relationship with Eva ?
he feels guilt and frustration over himself over his relationship with the girl. "oh-god-how stupid it all is!"
5 of 6
how does feel after he got a women pregnant and then left her ?
He was shocked, disappointed and betrayed by his parents by the fact that his mum's charity for women rejected her. That was her last resort after she killed herself.
6 of 6

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Card 2


why does Eric drink hard ?


He is depressed the fact that Daisy broke up with him because she was pregnant but she couldn't marry him because his class.

Card 3


what is the quote for when Eric drinks ********* ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how does Eric react to Birling firing Eva smith ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how he feel about his broken relationship with Eva ?


Preview of the front of card 5
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