innate behavior and imprinting.

what is innate behavior?
this is behavior that we are born with and it is a automatic response to stimuli.
1 of 9
is innate behavior something we have to learn?
no innate behavior is already hardwired into are brains.
2 of 9
give a example of innate behavior?
the startle reflex is an example of innate behavior.
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what is the startle reflex?
it is a reflex babies have when you do not support the back of there heads.
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what will innate behavior increases the chances of?
it will increase the chances of surviving and is controlled by there genes.
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what did "Niko Tinbergen" find out?
he was able to find out there when baby hearing gulls wanted food there parents would be sick down there throat.
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why is it useful for a baby duck to know who it's mother is?
because it means they are able to find food.
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what did "Lernezo" find out about ducks?
he was able to find out that what ever a baby duck saw first that is what it would interact with.
8 of 9
when can imprinting happen?
imprinting can only happen in a very short period of time , and very early on in a animals life.
9 of 9

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Card 2


is innate behavior something we have to learn?


no innate behavior is already hardwired into are brains.

Card 3


give a example of innate behavior?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the startle reflex?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what will innate behavior increases the chances of?


Preview of the front of card 5
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