Inherited criminality

  • Created by: H3lix
  • Created on: 06-05-22 16:10
PART 1: Describe inherited criminality as a biological explanation for criminal behaviours (A01)
Assumes criminals biologically predisposed crimes, inherit genes both parents e.g MAO-A gene variant catalysing dopamine & serotonin
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PART 1: State a study that supports inherited criminality (A02)
Brunner et al (1993) conducted large family study of 28, history of attempted **** & arson

1 significant finding = men inherited a particular gene, reduced levels of MAO-A gene
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PART 1: State a study that supports A02
Osborn & West's family study son's & father's criminal

13% sons fathers 0 criminal, 40% fathers with criminal history
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PART 1: State 2 advantages of inherited criminality (A03)
NATURE: case studies suggests genetic & neural component in bio families, explains some commit more

REAL LIFE APPLICATIONS: develop appropriate & effective treatments e.g RJ
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PART 1: State 3 disadvantages of inherited criminality (A03)
NON-SCIENTIFIC: not conducted controlled lab, susceptible research bias, low reliability

CAUSE & EFFECT ISSUES: main cause unknown, social & individual, low population

REDUCTIONIST: overly simplifies, cannot fully explain MAO-A, interactionist better
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PART 2: describe inherited criminality and violence (A01)
could explain why criminals are more violent than some

0 concept "criminal" genes, explained by polygenetic & NS
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PART 2: State 1 study that supports inherited criminality
Retz et al (2004) relationship between 5-HTTLPR gene variant & violent behaviours
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PART 2: State 2 advantages of inherited criminality as a biological explanation (A03)
GENETICALLY DETERMINISTIC: Seo et al (2008) reduced serotonin ANS = impulsiveness & attention seeking

Tiihonen et al (2015) link CDH13 gene & MAO-A gene violent crimes compared to non-violent
predict criminality childhood
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PART 2: State 3 disadvantages of inherited criminality
IGNORES NURTURE: only focus genes, 0 consideration cognitive factors, social interactions & DAT

GENDER BIAS: men bio higher testosterone than women, assume behave same way

ETHICAL ISSUES: lack free will, unable to change
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PART 2: State a study that supports the disadvantages of inherited criminality (A03)
Mednick et al (1987) studied 14,000 adoptees

convicted 15% children adopted parents with criminal
20% children bio parents with criminal

children with bio parents, adopted by foster = commit, bio predisposition regardless
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Card 2


PART 1: State a study that supports inherited criminality (A02)


Brunner et al (1993) conducted large family study of 28, history of attempted **** & arson

1 significant finding = men inherited a particular gene, reduced levels of MAO-A gene

Card 3


PART 1: State a study that supports A02


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Card 4


PART 1: State 2 advantages of inherited criminality (A03)


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Card 5


PART 1: State 3 disadvantages of inherited criminality (A03)


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