Information and Inheritance-RNA structure and function

  • Created by: jessica
  • Created on: 11-02-13 19:41
Name some types of RNA?
mRNA, tRNA, rRNA and microRNAs.
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What secondary structures can RNA form?
hair pin loop or stem loop with double helical stem.
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How many triplet codons are there?
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What is the start codon?
always AUG
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What is the stop codon?
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Describe ribosomal RNAs.
Part of the protein synthesis factories, have a high degree of secondary structure.They are essential for protein synthesis.Have large and small subunits that join for each translation cycle into a more compacted structure.
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What is tRNA?
Is the information adaptor, Are small with many unusual bases which fold into 4 stems and 3 loops, giving it a planar, clover leaf structure.
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Describe microRNA
16-22 bases, encoded with introns, They inhibit protein synthesis by degrading specific mRNAs. These are involved in disease.
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How many strands can DNA have?
can be single or double stranded. The double strand can be RNA-RNA or RNA-DNA, which will both form the A form compaction of the double helix.
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When are hairpins formed?
when bases pair within 5-10 nucleotides of each other.
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When are stem loops formed?
when bases pair but are separated by 10-several hundred nucleotides.
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When is a pseudoknot formed?
when hairpins and stem loops fold cooperatively with each other.
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What are ribozymes?
When the folded domains of RNA can have catalytic capacities, they are referred to as ribozymes.
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What does a tRNA do before it base pairs with mRNA?
form an aminoacyl-tRNA bond. The formation of this bond is catalyzed by aminoacyl-tRNA synthase.
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What is the structure of tRNA?
Fold into a stem loop arrangement that looks like a clover leaf. The three nucleotides that form the anticodon are in the middle loop.
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Describe ribosomes.
Made of three (bacteria) or four (eukaryotes) different rRNA molecules and up to 83 proteins. This forms the small and large subunit.
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What do the ribosomal subunits contain?
Small subunit has one small rRNA, large subunit has one large rRNA molecule plus one molecule of 5S rRNA and in vertebrates a molecule of 5.8S rRNA.
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What secondary structures can RNA form?


hair pin loop or stem loop with double helical stem.

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What is the start codon?


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What is the stop codon?


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