
What does incarnate mean?
God taking on human condition in Jesus
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What does the doctrine of incarnation teach Christians?
The doctrine of incarnation, teaches Christians that God took on the full limitations of the human condition
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Why do Catholics believe Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus?
Mary was chosen becuase she was born without original sin, the immaculate conception
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What is the virgin birth?
The virgin birth is when Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, and had a human mother but not a human father
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Was Joseph Jesus' father?
Joseph wasn't Jesus' father. "Matthan the father of Jacob, Jacob the father of Joseph ... Joseph the husband of Mary
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Jesus as God's word
Jesus is God's word that could be seen, heard and touched in human form. Jesus is God's love spoken in human form
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Was Jesus fully human?
Jesus was tempted, suffered and died
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Was Jesus fully divine?
Jesus admitted himself to being the Son of God. Jesus resurrected and performed miracles
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Reasons for Christian Symbols
Represent faith and religion. Tradition. The things they still symbolise are still relevent today
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Reasons against Christian symbols
They were used when people weren't allowed to be Christian. There are other symbols that are easier to understand than the Inchthus, the Chi-Rho and the Alpha and Omega
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The Sacred Heart
A representation of Jesus that focuses on the buring love he has for everybody. One r more of his hands usually points to his heart. An expression of peace and love. A piecing through the heart. Flames coming from the heart
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The Crucifix
A representation of Jesus on the cross on which he died. A reminder of the pain and suffering that Jesus went through. To remind people of the love God poured out in Jesus
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Reasons against religious art
God is transendent and is therefore unabke to be portrayed within art. Statues and images can give people the wrong ideas about God.
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Reason for religious art
God has taken on the limitations of human nature and is therefore acceptable to reflect God in this limited form. Jesus was fully human and had human qualities.
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What is the Sermon on the Mount?
The Sermon on the Mount are Jesus' teachings found in Matthew 5-7, which gives Christians a set of rules and values to apply to their lives
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What is God's will?
The things that God wants people to do
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What is the law?
The commandments and rules laid down in the Old Testament
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Was Jesus agreeing or disagreeing with the law of Moses?
Jesus was agreeing with the law of Moses, but he was deepening the meaning of each law to make them more relevent to the society Jesus lived and taught in
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What are the Beatitudes?
The Beatitudes are a part of the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus developed what people interpretted by the laws
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does the doctrine of incarnation teach Christians?


The doctrine of incarnation, teaches Christians that God took on the full limitations of the human condition

Card 3


Why do Catholics believe Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the virgin birth?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Was Joseph Jesus' father?


Preview of the front of card 5
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