Impact of Watergate scandal

  • Created by: Alba.
  • Created on: 20-03-24 04:59
What were the impacts of Watergate on Nixon?
- ended his political career (resigned)
- showed the public the reality of life & behaviour in the president's office
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What positive things did Nixon do while president?
- enforced desegregation of schools
- set up Environmental Protection Agency
- improved relations with Soviet Union and China (both communist countries and USA is very capitalist)
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What were the impacts of Watergate on US politics?
- Citizens lost trust/faith in government & president
- led citizens to value honesty more in potential presidents rather than their capabilities
- 30+ government officials were tried and received sentences (Nixon was pardoned and didn't get a sentence)
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What were the positive impacts of Watergate on US politics?
- led to politicians publishing their financial records and have open meetings to the public to show that they were honest
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What was the impact of Watergate on the media?
- journalists focused on finding scandals
(good --> political parties and individuals had more focus on them than previously)
(bad --> often published 'scandals' without evidence)
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What laws were passed to prevent another Watergate event happening?
1973 House and Senate Open Meeting Rules: all committee meetings have to be open to the public
1973 War Powers Act: a president needs the Congress' approval before going to war
1974 Election Campaign Act: set limits on election campaign spending and contr
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Why were new laws passed?
To prevent another Watergate happening & restore faith in the government
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Card 2


What positive things did Nixon do while president?


- enforced desegregation of schools
- set up Environmental Protection Agency
- improved relations with Soviet Union and China (both communist countries and USA is very capitalist)

Card 3


What were the impacts of Watergate on US politics?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What were the positive impacts of Watergate on US politics?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the impact of Watergate on the media?


Preview of the front of card 5
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