
how does the skin defend the human body against pathogens?
skin is a barrier to the pathogens except where it is damaged. sweat contains enzymes lyzomes (antimicrobial substance ) which kills bacteria breaking their cell wall open
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how do platlets defend the human body against pathogens
blood clots to stop entry of germs (pathogens) at cuts
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how does the nose defend the human body against pathogens
the hair and mucus in your nose trap particles that could contain pathogens
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how does the trachea and bronchi defend the human body against pathogens
they are lined with cilia walls which are hair like structures which waft the mucus up the back of the throat where it can be swallowed.
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how does the stomach defend the human body against pathogens
strong hydrochloric acid (pH2) kills most bacteria that are present in our food. contaminated food may make us vomit, which will remove harmful bacteria
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what is immunity
the ability of an organism to resist infection of a microbe
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what is a microbe
bacteria, viruses and fungi are all microbes
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3 parts of immune system: physical barriers and fluids:
the skin, mucus in nose and ear wax, tears, coughing sneezing, vomiting and blood clotting
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3 parts of immune system: non- specific white blood cells
phagocytic cells- macrophages and neutrophils
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3 parts of immune system: specific white blood cells .
lymphocytes- t and b cells
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what is active immunisation
antigens from the pathogen are injected to induce antibody production by the body
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what is passive immunisation
ready-made antibodies from purified animal's blood is injected
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what is the function of an antigen in a vaccine
it alerts the immune system as it is a protein which causes the immune system to produce specific antibodies and memory cells.
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what is an antigen
a protein from a pathogen which stimulates b cells to produce specific antibodies
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what is an antibody
a protein produced by b cells which have a specific shape which enables it to attach to a specific antigen
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Card 2


how do platlets defend the human body against pathogens


blood clots to stop entry of germs (pathogens) at cuts

Card 3


how does the nose defend the human body against pathogens


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Card 4


how does the trachea and bronchi defend the human body against pathogens


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Card 5


how does the stomach defend the human body against pathogens


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