ICT weak points

what is the difference between the internet and the world wide web?
the internet is a way of connecting computers to transport content whereas the world wide web is where you access this content.
1 of 7
what are 3 things to consider when choosing an ISP?
three things to consider when choosing an internet service provider would be the method of connection, performance (the efficiency of the device), price.
2 of 7
what is a VLE?
virtual learning environment
3 of 7
what is an rss feed?
a web feed format used for content which is frequently updated.
4 of 7
what is a wiki?
a type of website which encourages other users to add, edit and remove content
5 of 7
what is spyware and what does it do?
software that can be installed on your computer without your knowledge ti contains information about your logins and passwords and sends your details to another computer on the internet.
6 of 7
what does rss stand for?
really simple syndication
7 of 7

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Card 2


what are 3 things to consider when choosing an ISP?


three things to consider when choosing an internet service provider would be the method of connection, performance (the efficiency of the device), price.

Card 3


what is a VLE?


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Card 4


what is an rss feed?


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Card 5


what is a wiki?


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