ict revision

What is a wired connection?
Computers can be connected through Ethernet cables which connect to the Ethernet port. Connecting hardware such as a router has Ethernet ports
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What is a wireless connection?
A wireless network is a computer network that uses wireless data connections between network nodes
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Advantages of a Wireless connection
cheap set-up costs, not tied down to a specific location, can connect multiple devices without the need for extra hardware, less disruption to the building due to no wires being installed
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Disadvantages of a Wireless connection
interference can occur, the connection is not as stable as wired networks, and can 'drop off' it will lose quality through walls or obstructions, more open to hacking, slower than wired networks
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Advantages of wired connection
faster than wireless, more stable than wireless, less open to hacking.
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Disadvantages of a wired connection
less points of access, not widely used, inconvenient
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Card 2


What is a wireless connection?


A wireless network is a computer network that uses wireless data connections between network nodes

Card 3


Advantages of a Wireless connection


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Card 4


Disadvantages of a Wireless connection


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Card 5


Advantages of wired connection


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