Ice cover in the Pleistocene epoch

What does the term 'cryosphere' mean?
It comes from the Greek word 'kryos' which means cold. It refers to the cold environments of our planet where water is in its solid form, ice.
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Where are polar glacial environments found?
They are found in high latitudes of the Antarctic and Arctic.
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How are polar glacial environments characterised?
By very low temperatures where the mean annual temperatures are at least -30 degrees and low levels of precipitation.
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Where are alpine glacial environments found?
They are found in high altitudes of the Himalayas, Andes and European Alps.
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How are alpine glacial environments characterised?
They are characterised by high levels of precipitation and a wide temperature range, with frequent freeze-thaw cycles.
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What are glaciers?
Glaciers are slow-moving bodies of ice in valleys, which shape the landscape in both polar and alpine environments.
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What is a periglacial environment?
Periglacial environments do not feature glaciers, but they are usually found next to glacial areas.
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How are periglacial environments characterised?
Characterised by permafrost, found in both high altitude and high latitude where seasonal temperatures vary above and below freezing.
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Name examples of countries with periglacial environments.
Siberia, Alaska, northern Canada
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Card 2


Where are polar glacial environments found?


They are found in high latitudes of the Antarctic and Arctic.

Card 3


How are polar glacial environments characterised?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Where are alpine glacial environments found?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How are alpine glacial environments characterised?


Preview of the front of card 5
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