Human rights and social justice

What does social justice mean?
People being treated fairly
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What does human rights mean?
The rights of speech, education etc.
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What are our responsibilities as humans?
Using our rights in the correct way
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What teaching/quote tells us God is just and we should be aswell?
"All his ways are just"
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What quote can be used for loads of different topics?
"Love thy neighbour"
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Predjudice means?
What people think
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Discrimination means?
Putting predjudice into action
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What is the quote about equality?
"There is neither Jew nor gentil, slave nor free, male nor female, for we are all one in Jesus Christ"
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What does the Roman Catholic church teach about women speaking in churches?
Women shouldn't speak in churches as it is disgraceful
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What does the COFE teach about women in chrurches?
Women can be priests,vicars and bishops, and are allowed to be part of the church
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What is a Christian veiw against homosexuality?
Same sex relationships don't fulfill Gods wishes "Be fruitful and multiply"
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What should everyone do, regardless of what religieon they're from?
"Love thy neighbour"
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What is a religious right?
Believe what you want, and express it e.g religious items like cross and chain
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What is a religious right?
The right to believe what you wish (right to religieon"
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What is banned in france?
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Do christians agree or diagree with discrimination?
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What does agape mean?
Gods unconditional love for everyone
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What is positive discrimination?
Helping someone becuase they're disabled eg, holding a door open for a disabled person
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What is rasicm?
The discrimination of someones skin clour/ where they come from
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Which historical figure fought against racial discrimination in the USA?
Martin Luther King Jr
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What is a religious teching from christianity about wealth?
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to reach the kingdom of God, otherwise they will end up in hell.
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How would a rich person get into heaven?
By using their riches for good eg. charity and helping the less fortunate
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What is a way to get into heaven?
To have spiritual riches (love) and don't expect anything back
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What is a christian teaching about the fairness of God?
God of justice and fairness " all his ways are just"
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What is a christian teaching about the fairness of God?
Life is scared so you should make it fair and loved for you and others
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What religious quote teaches that justice shouldn't be stopped?
"Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never- falling stream"
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What is a Catholic/orthadox teaching about equality for women?
Men and women are equal but not the same - they have different roles
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What is a quote about homosexuality?
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination"
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What did st paul teach in the letter to the corithians?
Women shouldn't be seen and should remain silent, only men can lead worship
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What is a religious teaching about women?
Just as Christ is the head of man is man the head of women
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What does the bible teach about equality?
People are born equally valuable to God in different circumstances
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Why do Christians oppose discrimination?
It doesn't show agape love
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What do christians believe is their duty to help the poor?
To look after them and the world
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What is a teachings about helping the poor?
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you have fed him for a lifetime"
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does human rights mean?


The rights of speech, education etc.

Card 3


What are our responsibilities as humans?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What teaching/quote tells us God is just and we should be aswell?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What quote can be used for loads of different topics?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




spelling is a bit off but other than that it's good

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