Human Relationships


1. What is promiscuity?

  • Having a lot of casual sexual relationships.
  • Having sex with a different species.
  • Sex with someone other than your marriage partner.
  • Choosing not to have sex because of religious vows.
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2. What is adultery?

  • Having sex with someone underage.
  • Sex with someone other than your marriage partner.
  • Choosing not to have sex because of religious vows.
  • Having a lot of casual relationships.

3. What is chastity?

  • Having sex with a different species.
  • Choosing not to have sex because of religious vows.
  • Sex with someone other than your marriage partner.
  • Having sex with the same gender (homosexual sex).

4. What are the two main types of sexuality?

  • Homosexual, heterosexual.
  • Transgender, gay.
  • Male, female.
  • Human, animal.

5. What are the five contraception categories?

  • Abortifacent, natural, unnatural, temporary, permanent.
  • Natural, unnatural, temporary, permanent, murderous.
  • Male, female, homosexual, temporary, permanent.
  • Male, female, homosexual, murderous, abortifacent.


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