Other questions in this quiz

2. What effect does 'Catharsis' have?

  • Exposure to media violence may result in reduced aggression.
  • Become more violent in real life.
  • Believe that the real world contains large amounts of pain and violence.
  • Less Worried/Shocked about violence, less sympathetic.

3. What effect does 'desensitisation' have?

  • Believe that the real world contains large amounts of pain and violence.
  • Less Worried/Shocked about violence, less sympathetic.
  • Become more violent in real life.
  • Exposure to media violence may result in reduced aggression.

4. What effect does 'Direct effect' have?

  • Less Worried/Shocked about violence, less sympathetic.
  • Exposure to media violence may result in reduced aggression.
  • Become more violent in real life.
  • Believe that the real world contains large amounts of pain and violence.

5. Which effect from the 'Media effects debate' portrays the world as a place with large amounts of pain and violence, and therefore change the way people view the environment?

  • Mean world syndrome
  • Direct effect
  • Desensitation
  • Catharsis


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