Other questions in this quiz

2. What is the Salisbury Convention?

  • An agreement between the House of Lords and the House of Commons which states that if a piece of legislation is in the government's manifesto, the House of Lords will not block it at the second or third reading.
  • An agreement between the Monarch and the two Houses
  • An agreement between the Public and the House of Commons

3. When was the Salisbury Convention set up?

  • 1936
  • 1940
  • 1911
  • 1929

4. What is a white paper?

  • The back and forth procedure between the House of Lords and House of Commons
  • A published statement of government policy
  • Government Consultation on policy

5. What is Parliament?

  • Made up of the House of Commons & House of Lords
  • Group of people with the authority to govern a country.


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