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6. When Stalin died, what happened?

  • He was buried in secret to avoid masses
  • His body exploded
  • 100 people where crushed to death in the crowd of mourners
  • The Russians threw a party in his house

7. Who where Lenin's secret police?

  • The Cheka
  • The Gestapo
  • The NYPD
  • The NKVD

8. What where three ideas associated with Comunism?

  • Equality, shared goods, Unfair
  • Equality, shared goods, workers in charge
  • Equality, Autocratic, workers in charge
  • Hierarchy, shared goods, workers in charge

9. Who was in charge of Russia before the revolution?

  • Lenin
  • The Romanovs
  • The government
  • No one

10. What where Stalinised children forced to join?

  • The young pioneers
  • The Stalin youth
  • The black shirts
  • The young Stalins

11. What was one message from Stalin campaigns?

  • Stalin is everywhere
  • Stalin sees you
  • Stalin is all powerful
  • Stalin knows you

12. Who fought in the Russian civil war

  • The axis and the allies
  • The communists and the capitalists
  • The red army and the white army
  • Lenin and Stalin

13. What was Stalin's cult of personality?

  • A group of people against Stalin and all he stood for
  • A propaganda tool used by the white army against Stalin
  • A propaganda tool which was used to make him look good and like the saviour of Russia
  • A cult he formed to kill those who opposed his personality