How can heat loss be reduced in a house?

How does loft insulation reduce heat loss?
Loft insulation uses glass fibre, rock wool or polysterene beads to reduce convection currents carrying heat conducted through the ceilings away into the loft space.
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How does doublie glazing reduce heat loss?
Double glazing uses two panes of glass with trapped air inbetween to reduce heat loss due to conduction through windows and convection currents outside carrying the heat away.
2 of 5
How does cavity wall insulation reduce heat loss?
Cavity wall insulation uses a foam material to limit the movement of air in the cavity between two layers of brick. This reduces heat loss due to convection currents transferring heat across the cavity.
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How does draught exclusion reduce heat loss?
Draught exclusion uses a thin ***** to seal gaps around doors and windows, reducing heat loss due to convection currents transferring warm air outside.
4 of 5
How does silver foil behind radiators reduce heat loss?
Silver foil behind radiators reduces heat loss due to thermal radiation by reflection.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How does doublie glazing reduce heat loss?


Double glazing uses two panes of glass with trapped air inbetween to reduce heat loss due to conduction through windows and convection currents outside carrying the heat away.

Card 3


How does cavity wall insulation reduce heat loss?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How does draught exclusion reduce heat loss?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does silver foil behind radiators reduce heat loss?


Preview of the front of card 5


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