
What does Homeostatis Mean?
Maintaining a stable internal enviorment.
1 of 14
What is it called when blood vessels close to the surface of the skin widen?
2 of 14
What is it called when blood vessels near to the surface of the skin constrict?
3 of 14
When temperature receptors detect that you're too hot what do the erector muscles and hairs do?
The Erector Muscles relax and the hairs go down.
4 of 14
When temperature receptors dectect that you are too cold what do the erector muscles and the hair do?
The Erector Muscles contract and the hairs stand up.
5 of 14
On a hot day when you are exercising, you sweat alot so you will produce less urine. Will the urine be pale or dark? Why?
It will be dark because it contains less water then normal and the urnine is more concentrated.
6 of 14
Why do humans suffer ill effects if their body temperature varies too much from 37°?
The Enzymes controlling all the reactions in the human body don't work aswell if the varies to much. Also they are destroyed if too hot.
7 of 14
Which Part of your body monitors your body temperature to ensure that it is kept constant?
The Brain
8 of 14
How does your body cool down when it is too hot?
You sweat. More blood flows near the skin. Hairs lie flat to allow easier heat loss.
9 of 14
Which of these answers explain how Ronald's body gets rid of the excess salt? A) Ronald's liver removes salt from his blood B) Ronald loses salt in his sweat C) Ronald's kidneys remove salt from his blood D) Ronald gets rid of salt in his urine?
C) Ronald's kidneys remove salt from his blood. D) Ronald gets rid of salt in his urine.
10 of 14
What is Blood Glucose regulation?
Keeping the glucose in the blood at a steady level.
11 of 14
What is thermoregulation (Regulating Body Temperature?
Having to get rid of excess body heat when you're hot, but retain the heat when it is cold.
12 of 14
What is the part of your brain that acts as your own personal thermostat?
13 of 14
What are the receptors sensitive too in the Hypothalamus?
The blood pressure (In the Brain)
14 of 14

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Card 2


What is it called when blood vessels close to the surface of the skin widen?



Card 3


What is it called when blood vessels near to the surface of the skin constrict?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When temperature receptors detect that you're too hot what do the erector muscles and hairs do?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When temperature receptors dectect that you are too cold what do the erector muscles and the hair do?


Preview of the front of card 5
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