Causes of World War II

  • Created by: lozzyhs
  • Created on: 31-03-17 10:28
What were the causes of World War II?
Treaty of Versailles was harsh and unfair, the League of Nations were too weak, Hitler's policies were aggressive, and the Nazi-Soviet pact
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What were the aims of Hitler's foreign policy?
Abolish Versailles, Anschluss with Austria, expand German territoy for Lebensraum, defeat Communism, national self-determination
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What was Lebensraum?
The territory which a group, state, or nation believes is needed for its natural development (living space)
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What was Anschluss?
German union with Austria
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Why did Hitler want Anschluss?
Cultural links, strong Austrian Nazi Party, Austria was economically weak, add weapons and gold to German industry, and to defy the Treaty of Versailles
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What was appeasement?
Chamberlain's policy of giving Hitler what he wanted to stop him from going to war
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What were the results of appeasement?
Czechoslovakia was weakened, GB gained a year to build their army, Hitler thought GB and France were scared of him, and improved British war morale
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Why did Chamberlain abandon appeasement?
Attacks on Jews, Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia , alliance between Italy and Germany, and anti-appeasement candidates got a lot of votes in elections
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What was the Nazi-Soviet pact?
Promise between Hitler and Stalin not to go to war with each other, and to invade and split Poland
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Why did the Nazi-Soviet pact happen?
Stalin needed time to re-arm in case Hitler invaded Russia, and Stalin would have to go to war if allied with GB and France
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Card 2


What were the aims of Hitler's foreign policy?


Abolish Versailles, Anschluss with Austria, expand German territoy for Lebensraum, defeat Communism, national self-determination

Card 3


What was Lebensraum?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was Anschluss?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why did Hitler want Anschluss?


Preview of the front of card 5
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