Other questions in this quiz

2. What is the Periosteum?

  • A layer of loose, vascular connective tissue that covers the outer surface of bone (apart from articulating surfaces)
  • A layer of dense, vascular connective tissue that covers the outer surface of bone (apart from articulating surfaces)
  • A layer of dense, vascular connective tissue that covers the outer surface of bone (including articulating surfaces)
  • A layer of dense, vascular connective tissue that makes up the inner layer of bone

3. What two substance make up the extra-cellular bone matrix, and in what approximate ratio?

  • Collagen Type II (30%), Hydroxyapatite Crystals (70%)
  • Collagen Type II (70%), Hydroxyapatite Crystals (30%)
  • Osteoid (30%), Inorganic Minerals (70%)
  • Osteoid (70%), Inorganic Minerals (30%)

4. Which of the following best describes immature/woven bone?

  • Weak, temporary bone with low mineral contents and disorganised lacing of collagen fibres. Forms the foetal skeleton.
  • Strong, permanent bone with high mineral contents and organised lacing of collagen fibres. Forms the adult skeleton.
  • Weak, temporary bone with low mineral contents and disorganised lacing of collagen fibres. Forms the adult skeleton.
  • Strong, permanent bone with high mineral contents and organised lacing of collagen fibres. Forms the foetal skeleton.

5. True or flase: Bone remodelling is the reorganisation of bone structure by a balanced process of resorption and deposition of ECM?

  • Pass
  • Bonjour
  • True
  • False


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