Other questions in this quiz

2. The energy is faeces can be used by other organisms, describe how?

  • used as manure
  • broken down by decomposers such as beetles or insects
  • eaten by animals
  • eaten by decomposers

3. Why is a catalyst used for?

  • gives reduced yield
  • speeds reaction
  • high pressure
  • higher rate of reaction

4. why is high pressure needed?

  • makes the temperature higher
  • reduces activation activity
  • increases of yield
  • speeds up reaction

5. Write about biochemical adaptations to very cold climates.

  • The smaller the plant the less energy is needed so more can be spent on specific parts of the plants
  • contain enzymes with lower optimum temperatures but cells do not freeze as freezing would damage cells
  • larger leaves absorb more sunlight
  • enzymes spread easier on smaller surface areas


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