
1. how do plant fertilisers increase crop yield?

  • fertilisers replace essential elements used by previous crop / provide extra essential elements + used to build plant amino acids
  • they contain potassium
  • fertilisers contain essential minerals
  • fertilisers contain essential nutrients
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2. explain one way animals bodies are adapted to reduce heat loss

  • thick fur insulates by trapping air particles
  • hair traps heat
  • behavioural adaptations such as migration
  • counter current exchange systems such as hooves

3. Why do scientists publish their results?

  • so other scientists can gather further evidence or further their own work. so they can gain credit for their work or so work can be checked
  • To keep in a book
  • So scientists can use them as decoration
  • So people know that work was actually done

4. The energy is faeces can be used by other organisms, describe how?

  • broken down by decomposers such as beetles or insects
  • eaten by decomposers
  • eaten by animals
  • used as manure

5. write the balanced symbol equation for N2+H2-->NH3

  • N2+3H2-->2NH3
  • N2+H2-->NH4
  • N2+H2-->N2H2
  • N+H-->NH


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