Henry VII - Unit 2 Government

  • Created by: darcylizz
  • Created on: 13-04-17 13:40
What is the great chain of being?
The belief everyone was born into a specific place in the strict hierarchy of society, and was his duty to remain there.
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How many nobels were there at the start and end on Henry's reign?
Start - 50 End - 35
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How many title did Henry create and why?
Only 6, as it is harder to control a larger group of nobles and making titles was expensive
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What was the Act of Attainder?
It meant noble families lost their land and their heirs were disinherited if they disobeyed the monarch
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What were Fuedal Dues?
They were his fuedal rights over the nobles, if they did not obey they were heavily fined
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What were the three types of Fuedal Rights?
Wardship- control of minors estates untill they're 21, Marrige- he could organise and ban marriges, Livery - give a follower a badge of uniform
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What was the Great Council?
Meeting of noblemen called to discuss important affairs if parliment would take to long
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What was an example of when the Great Council was called?
1485-Looked at first calling of parliment and Henrys marrige to Elizabeth of York
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What was the Order of the Garter?
An honor reserved for closest servants, it gave lots of prestige but no land or power.
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What were the Crown Lands?
Land owned by the moarch, wanted to get as much as possible as land is power.
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What is Patronage?
Rewarding followers for loyal service, through positions, titles and land.
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What is Retaining?
When Nobles recruit genrty support for admin or for fighting forces, licenses could be obtained as rewards.
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What was the Kings Council?
A council which advised Henry on policies, it was a reward as it allowed them to influence Henry
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What are Bonds and Recognisances?
Bonds- Agreements that if people didnt carry out a promise they would pay a fine, Recognisances- Formal acknoledgement of a debt or obligation, money was paid if not met.
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How has Patronage changed uder Henrys reign?
Instead of trying to buy the nobles loyalty early, Henry only awarded them for proven good behavior
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How did Bonds and Recognisances change under Henry?
He gave 36/62 noble families them rather than just one under previous yorkist rule.
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How did retaining change under Henry?
Henry greatly reduced one of the nobles oldest practices
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How did Crown Lands change under Henry?
Crown Lands were 5 times larger than had been 50 years earlier under Henry VI,
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Who are some of Henry's chief councillors?
John Morton, A lawyer who had resisted Richard III usurpation. Sir Thomas Lovell, A laywer who joined the 1483 rebellion.
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What were Henry's limitations in Goverment?
Church Courts, did not allow executions and Henry did not want to anger them. Chieftans, controlled most of Ireland so Henry only controlled a small amount. Justice of the Peace, were liable to corruption and bribary.
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How many did parliment meet in his 25 year reign? and why?
Only 7 times
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Why did Parliment meet so infrequently?
Because he did not need grants for war as he avoided foreign campaigns, judicial issues as he had his royal council and council learned in law to take care of them and Henry did not create lot's of ne legislations
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What issues did the Council in the Star Chamber handle?
They handled international security, defence of the realm and foreign affairs, and was supported by the secretary of state and keeper of the privy seal.
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What issues did the Council Learned in Law and Council of the North handle?
Council Learned in Law - Financial policies, fuedal dues, bonds and recognisances and other debts. Council of the North - Maintain law and order and prvention of foreign invation.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How many nobels were there at the start and end on Henry's reign?


Start - 50 End - 35

Card 3


How many title did Henry create and why?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the Act of Attainder?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What were Fuedal Dues?


Preview of the front of card 5
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