Health and Organ systems

  • Created by: Zammi10
  • Created on: 02-05-13 19:24
The equation for respiration
6O2+C6+H12+O6=6CO2+6H2O- Oxygen+Glucose=Water+Carbon Dioxide
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In what ways are alveoli good for gas exchange?
They are moist and have thin walls- gasses can easily diffuse in and out of them, also they have a large surface area
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3 main microbes include
Bacteria, Virus and Fungi
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White blood cells fight them by
Producing antibodies and andtitoxins. Antibodies neutralise them. They also enguf the pathogen. ANtibodies neutralise and clump pahthogens so they can be enguulfed
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Other immunity
Vaccines- inlcude dead or mutilated microbes. Antibacterial- kills bacteria. External immunity- skin,tears etc
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Why do you feel ill and then get better?
Because antibodies take time to make- you feel ill whule they are getting made but then feel better ince they are made.
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Once a particular antibody is made, it stays in your body so...
if the same disease enters your body next time, the antibodies are much quicker at destroying it so you feel no symptoms. You become Immune to that disease
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main food gropus are?
Carbs,Proteins,Minerals,Vitamins,Minerals,Fibre,Fats, Iron and Water
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Carboryhdrates-What are they for and what happens if you dont get enough?
They are needed for energy and if you dont get enough you wont have enough energy and will feel weak
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Proteins- " "
We need them for growth and repair and if you dont get enough, you might have growth problems and wounds would take longer to hearl
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Needed for Energy storage, Insulation and protection. If you don't get enough, organs would be less protected, you'd have less energy and would feel more cold
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The minerals in our diet are essential for a variety of bodily functions. They are important for building strong bones and teeth, blood, skin, hair, nerve function, muscle and for metabolic processes such as those that turn the food we eat into energ
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Keep body healthy and prevent deficiencies.
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Vitamin C
Keeps skin strong. If you don't get enough, youd get scurvy
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Vitamin D
Helps bones harden. If you dont get enough youd have rickets and bones stay soft and could deform. Vitamin D can be obtained through Eggs,Cod liver oil and is made in skin when in sunlight
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Needed for making red blood celss. If you don't get enough, you'd feel rired and look pale and aenemic. Found in green veg and dark chocolate
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Vital for all body processes
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What is the Respiratory system for?
The primary function of the respiratory system is to supply the blood with oxygen in order for the blood to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body. The respiratory system does this through breathing. When we breathe, we inhale oxygen and exhale
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What is the trachea for?
The trachea is also known as windpipe. The trachea filters the air we inhale and branches into the bronchi.
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Breathing begins with a dome-shaped muscle located at the bottom of the lungs which is known as diaphragm. When we breathe in the diaphragm contracts and flatten out and pull downward. Due to this movement the space in the lungs increases
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The intercostal muscles
control the movement of the ribs. They move up and out when the muscles contract and they move down and in when the muscles relax.
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Why does the trachea have cartilage rings?
To support the trachea and to stop it from collapsing
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Blood with ____ levels of O2 leaves the lungs
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Blood with ____ levels of O2 enters the lungs
Low and Enters
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In the blood there are 4 cells
Red blood celss- carry O2 to the cells. White blood cells- immunity. Platlets- clot blood. Plasma- keeps the three cells moving
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The left side of the heart is stronger because?
It's got oxgynated blood, it has to pump blood all around the body
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The right side is weaker because?
It's got deoxgynated blood which only has to pump blood to the lungs
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3 things the Capillaries do
Supply O2 to cells. Supply Nutrients to cells. Remove waste- CO2
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The right side of the heart has _____ blood
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The left side of the heart has _______ blood
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Pulmonary vein is the only vein to carry oxgynated blood because?
It's just been to the lungs
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Pulmonary artery is the only vein to carry deoxgynated blood because
it's going to the lungs to pick up O2
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


In what ways are alveoli good for gas exchange?


They are moist and have thin walls- gasses can easily diffuse in and out of them, also they have a large surface area

Card 3


3 main microbes include


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


White blood cells fight them by


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Other immunity


Preview of the front of card 5
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